
Percentage of serial killers by race
Percentage of serial killers by race

However, if we calculate the average for this data it looks like this: White We used as a source: Radford University/FGCU Serial Killer DatabaseĪs you can see in the table attached, Asian and Native american percentage remain pretty much constant along all decades analyzed, the shifting numbers are very visible in white and black serial killers. The impact of race-based assumptions among law enforcement agencies and the public regarding the criminality of any group poses a danger to that whole society.These numbers below reflect only information about serial killers race from United States. Consequently, the predominant media portrayals of serial murderers are white male perpetrators. This article suggests that the unquestioned ethnocentric profile of the serial killer as a white male in the US was created by the FBI, and subsequent media portrayals have reinforced this myth. The media show little reticence in portraying black males as low-level criminals, but rarely portray them as serial killers. Despite the fact that numerous television shows, news reports and films address serial murder in fictional and non-fictional portrayals, there remains a dearth of information and portrayals regarding black serial killers. Previous research has identified 90 black serial killers beginning in 1945, yet their notoriety and celebrity are absent from America's popular cultural landscape. The existence of African American serial killers is a fact that appears to have escaped the attention of the American public.

percentage of serial killers by race

Snipers who, while not comparable to the traditional media portrayals of serial killers, do qualify as such, based on the FBI's assessment.

percentage of serial killers by race

More astute individuals could mention the more recent D.C. For those who can remember, it might be Wayne Williams, the so-called ‘Atlanta child murderer’. ‘Can you name an African American (black) serial killer?’ In the US, the answer is often silence.

Percentage of serial killers by race